Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Poetry Wednesday

I have been thinking about finding beauty in the ordinary, because that is what most of my life is,ordinary, Day in and day out, cooking, cleaning , laundry, homeschooling. It is not always easy to find that beauty, I need to be mindful. That is why I love this poem my favorite line is "to instruct myself over and ever in joy" it goes nicely with the book I recently finished "Dancing With My Father."


-Mary Oliver

Every day

I see or hear


that more or less kills me

with delight,

that leaves me

like a needle in the haystack

of light.

It was what I was born for -

to look, to listen,to lose myself

inside this soft world -

to instruct myself

over and over in joy,

and acclamation.

Nor am I talking

about the exceptional,the fearful, the dreadful,

the very extravagant -

but of the ordinary,

the common, the very drab,the daily presentations.

Oh, good scholar,

I say to myself, how can you help but grow wise

with such teachings

as these -

the untrimmable lightof the world,

the ocean's shine,

the prayers that are made

out of grass?


  1. Amy, you have such a beautiful spirit! I sense that every single time I visit your blog. I agree about the line, "to instruct myself over and over in joy and acclimation." It is my favorite too. Thank you for this quietly comforting and edifying poem. It was a blessing to me today.

  2. My life is ordinary too, the same routine day in and day out but there is so much beauty all around us. "I see something or hear something that more or less kills me." Lovely. Mother Teresa once wrote, "Every day a miracle happens." God is everywhere present and fills all things. Thank you for this post.

  3. What a lovely poem. I don't think I fully understand it, but I love the last line. Prayers that are made out of grass.
