Monday, February 15, 2010


I am not sure if I really want to write this post. Today is not an easy day for me. Four years ago today, my sweet and beautiful sister died in my arms. She was 37, and died of lung cancer. Julie was a non-smoker. She left behind 2 children and a husband. She left me behind too. I never know how to approach this time of year. Do I celebrate her life? Yes, of course, but my mind goes to those last days and it is hard not to think of that. Grief is hard, it does not go away. It changes, but it stays. I often hold grief close to me-not knowing what to do with it.
Julie and I were 2 years apart, and I am the older sister. But we had a special connection, like twins. We were knit together at the soul, and I miss her terribly. She was hands-down one of the greatest gifts I have ever been given. Near the end of her life we were chatting about the fact that we would soon be separated, but we always pictured ourselves growing old, eating candy, laughing, and embarrassing our kids together. We did not think it would end this soon. Julie made the comment that although our life together was shorter than we planned, it had been a wonderful journey together, Yes it was. I look forward to seeing her someday and spending forever with her. So today I want to give thanks for the amazing gift of a sister, a soul mate and a friend,

136. She could make me laugh no matter what

137. She was always in my corner

138. She loved my kids and always pointed me to the positive

139. She was the only person I could shop with (I hate to shop)

140. She understood me

141. She was so very funny

142. Nobody could beat us at Pictionary (we had this telepathy thing going)

143. She gave me perspective

144. She was a great mother

145. An amazing aunt

146. A wonderful friend

147. She was beautiful

In Memory of Julie
Photo: 9/2005 on vacation


  1. What a wonderful gift. Praying God brings you comfort during this season.

  2. Beautiful. I can't imagine your pain. May God comfort and bless you today.

  3. I too have experienced a loss of a sibling. My dear, sweet older brother was killed in a sensenless and tragic accident. This list...a beautiful tribute to your sister.
    May God hold you near and comfort you in an amazing way in this season of your grief.

  4. I've never been here before, but I know this part of you "Grief is hard, it does not go away. It changes, but it stays."

    Thank you for sharing your memories and beautiful prayer.
