Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Seeking Christ

I went last week to say good-bye and thank you to my mentor and friend, Marty. I was able to stay at her house for a few hours and chat with her and visit with her lovely family. As I was preparing to say goodbye, I told her how much I love and admire her , how much I want to be like her. How do I live a life like that? Her answer was simple, " just keep seeking Jesus." I have been pondering this a bit. I could have asked Marty one hundred different questions, how do I deal with this difficult child? love my husband more ? organize my house? become more patient? the list goes on. In the past ,Marty would have given me some practical advice from her years of mothering, but she still would have pointed me to Christ. That has always been her theme. But near the end when time is short and her strength ebbing she says simply, "Seek Jesus."

So simple, yet so difficult because I get in the way all the time. I seek me, my wisdom, or I seek someone else's wisdom. I seek quick solutions, tidy plans. I need to seek Him. 'I have been reading John 13-16. On what was without a doubt the most difficult and devastating night of their lives , Jesus is speaking the disciples some his last words and they are pretty much the same as Marty's. Remain in me, in my word my love, love one another , love me , obey. Seek me. The Father and I are making our home in you. The spirit is with you...

On pondering a life well lived I want with all my heart to seek , knock , ask , I want that to be my default mode, not my last even second resort, That is my prayer...................

Sweet Marty went to be with the one she so diligently sought on January 23rd. The memorial card at the church had this verse..........Her children arise and call her blessed, her husband also , adn he praises her (proverbs 31:28)


  1. Your questions sound much like mine from a few years ago. I was so sick of the life I was living I demanded the Lord to show me His truth. I told Him if not, them i'm gonna search for whatever else will show me what victory looked like. LOL... He answered alright. Probably because He knew that I wasn't ever going to find victory anywhere but in a fresh knowledge of Him. The answer came to me in the form of a young woman. We both were 'saved'. We both had much about our spiritual lives the same. Except her life, without words, exuded victory while mine screamed from the top of it's lungs, "DEFEAAAAT!"

    The Lord knew my desperate need for the truth about Him. He desired to see me live in victory because His Son earned it for me. I learned what the difference was in me and this woman. She knew her inheritance in Christ and I didn't. I knew what the act on the cross meant. But I didn't know it's depth and breadth. No wonder I was living in defeat! I was ingnorant to what was won for me.

    I would encourage you to seek out what Christ has won for you. Ask the Lord to give you a fresh revelation of His deeply rooted love for you. When you find the truth of that for yourself all these other things your struggling with above will fall into place. That's what happens when Christ in us responds to the revelation of His love. You won't have to work harder, faster. You won't have to get frustrated. You will find rest, peace, and endless possibilities. Transformation begins in us before it is experienced elsewhere.

    Maybe check out getting this book for yourself and see where the Lord takes you with it:
    Destined to Reign by Joseph Prince. The truths I learned in that teaching because of the Holy Spirit have transformed me from defeat to true victory in my walk with Christ.

    It started when I sought Him from the depths of my broken, frustrated soul and is still continuing on now as I walk in the grace spilled out for me and earned thanks to Christ.

    You are loved with an everlasting love. If you never did one more perfect thing in your life, the Lord loves you just as much as He did before you accepted Him into your life. That means it's not about your perfection but about Jesus' sacrifice. He was good enough. So good he is sitting at the right hand of the father. Jesus was/ is our high priest. The high priests of old were never able to sit because the work was never done. The sins were never forgiven. Up until Christ died on Calvary. Now He sits. Because He sits you live in His inheritance. He earned it for you. How stinkin' awesome is that!

    Be blessed today!


  2. I pray that I can be a "Marty" to those around me. What a sweet tribute to a wonderful lady.

  3. "Seek Jesus." There really is nothing more than that, is there?

  4. My sympathies on the loss of your dear friend and mentor....oh so, so glad that heaven is a real place!

  5. Marty is the kind of mentor to have. A person who points to Jesus and doesn't try to have all the answers herself. I am so sorry to hear of your loss but one day you will see her in heaven.


  6. Wow, your mentor sounds like an amazing woman. What a blessing to have had someone so generous and Christ-centered in your life. May Marty's memory be eternal!
