Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lay down your burdens

It is early morning and I am tired and frustrated. I have spent the last two nights tossing and turning unable to sleep. I keep worrying about all kind of things. My life is busy right now, my oldest three are in a musical and the next three weeks consist of late nights and long days of rehearsals. I have many details to work out, a messy house, and unfinished home school lessons. I chatted with a lady yesterday who told me her family had completed all their home school lessons and would be done next week. That immediately made my heart sink. That is not our reality here at the Brown home school. I worry about changes ahead , my eldest has one more year of high school, we have been talking about colleges. I want with all my heart for him to do what God wants for his life, and I also want with all my heart for him never to grow up! Church changes, relationship changes, loneliness, missing Julie. I toss and turn in bed , running things over in my mind. Like some mental hamster wheel. Worry, prayer, worry , prayer, lay it down , pick it up. What seems manageable in the daytime seems overwhelming at night.
So I get up and make a cup of tea and read Isaiah. The verses I have underlined and read over and over again. It is an often traveled path.

In repentance and rest is your salvation
in quietness and trust is your strength (Is. 30:15)

Surely this our God, we trusted in Him and he saved us (Is 25:9)
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you (Is 26:3)

There are so many more verses. Often at times like this I long for a quiet space , I want to freeze frame my life and have a space of time to think, order my world. But I never have big chunks of time and life is always like this. I want to leran to find peace and joy in the midst of this season and the many seasons that will come. These verses encourage me and bring my focus where it needs to be on Him. I may need to read them again in 10 minutes.
So I will rest, and trust and lay down these burdens. I will keep coming back to these words as many times as I need to and I will pray.

Lay down your burden I will carry you
I will carry you my child, my child
Lay down your burden I will carry you
I will carry you my child, my child

Cause I can walk on water ..
Calm a restless sea
I've done a thousand things you've never done
And I'm really watching
While you struggle on your way
Call on my name, Ill com

I give vision to the blind
I can raise the dead
I've seen the darker side of hell
And I've returned
I've seen those sleepless night
And Count every tear you cry
Some lessons hurt to learn

Lay down your burden I will carry you
I will carry you my child, my child
Lay down your burden I will carry you
I will carry you my child, my child
-Amy Grant


  1. "I've seen those sleepless night and count every tear you cry..."
    I needed the reminder to lay the burdens down.
    Thank you.

  2. So many times He has brought me to Isaiah 30:15 ... thank you for the reminder to rest in Him!
    Catherine :)

  3. Hi Amy, this is my first time visiting! I found you from Holy Experience. I love your post and I can relate to all of it. I've been through it all too. Isn't it good to know that this too shall past, as it is just for a season.


  4. Amy,
    I really understand this feeling....I do! I'm praying you'll be able to enjoy what God has for you now because this is your life. It isn't when you've neatly finished your homeschooling plans for the year, or when you have everything in order. It's right here and now as He sovereignly directs your steps and orders your days. May you enjoy these moments He's given you as you seek His wisdom for the days ahead. Hugs to you!

  5. As a worrier, I cannot thank you enough for this post, Amy. It is comforting to read one's own struggles being expressed by another with the same goals, same priorities, same worldview. My spirit was soothed upon reading those verses from Isaiah. I just love them. Thank you for this and for your quiet example of faith and resilience!

  6. Your post is so wonderful. I have gone through a period of time this summer when I have learned that the things about which I worried did not come to pass. Last spring I survived what could have been a fatal car crash. After coming to grips I am back over at Daily Graces... thanks for a beautiful post.
