Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Grant me Lord, to hold fast to what is good by the power of your love. Preserve my every word and act that corrupts the soul, and from every impulse that is unpleasing in your sight and harmful to the people around me. Teach me what I should say and how I should speak. If it be your holy will that I be quiet and make no answer , inspire me to be silent in a peaceful spirit that causes neither harm nor hurt to my fellow human beings. Father Sophrony

This is a prayer I repeated several times was a day I would not want to repeat. But by His mercy God gave me this difficult day with hard hearts, arguing, and complaining to help me to grow. I am praying for a quiet soft heart and mouth. To pray before I speak. I make a Gratitude list , but shouldn't days like today be on that list? Days that stretch me and drive me to my Father's arms in prayer? So Thank you Lord for today me to remember that all is grace.


  1. I LOVE that quote, Amy! Thank you for sharing it!

  2. Thank you for sharing. This is so true, we face hard days only to find out that we need Him more and more!

    Found you through the Gratitude Community.


  3. Amy,
    Such a timely quote for what I posted...thank you for sharing. It's very encouraging.
