Monday, January 11, 2010

Considering the great love of the Lord

Whoever is wise , let him heed these things and consider the great love of the Lord. Ps.107:43

I sit here in the early morning desiring with all my heart to heed these words, to consider His love. Yet in the busyness of life I often I am thankful for this opportunity to give thanks and consider.....

91. His love for me by blessing me with five children (me, who was barren)

92. His love for me by giving me wonderful women in my life to encourage me

93. His love for me by giving me a godly upbringing (as crazy as it can get with family sometimes, my parents did bring me up in a christian home)

94. His love for me in giving me my sister, Julie ,for 38 years, as much as I miss her and grieve her , I always thank Him for her

95. His love for me by saying " No " to so many things I asked for , things I thought I needed.

96. His love for me that He works all things for my good , everything He brings into my life has a purpose

97. His Love for me in that each day is a new day ,with new mercies that I do not deserve but He so graciously gives

98. His love for me that all this earth is filled with beauty and I get to enjoy it.

99. His love for me by giving me my husband

100. His love for me that even though I fall , He still loves me .


  1. grateful I am too for the No recieved by the Father when I THOUGHT my request was the best for me. Oh, how He loves us enough to say no.
    Beautiful list.
    Grace and Peace

  2. Lovely. For saying "no". What a hard and beautiful thing to be thankful for!

  3. Your gratitude is elegant and real.

  4. Oh, wow, I love this "His love for me by saying " No " to so many things I asked for , things I thought I needed." Thank you for sharing your list with us!! Be Blessed, Angie in GA

  5. Being thankful is so refreshing...
    So glad I found your blog.

    A story unfolding
