Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Poetry Wednesday

I have been in bed the past two days with a nasty cold, it is not often that I am down like this. I can hear all the activities going on outside my room. I am so thankful for Davis and Anna, what great older siblings they are and what a help to me. I have been reading bits of a book by Ruth Bell Graham, Footprints of a Pilgrim. I have enjoyed learning about her life and her struggles as a mother. I have especially enjoyed her poetry. Below is a poem she wrote.....

For all these smallnesses

I thank you Lord

small children

and small needs

small meals to cook,

small talk to heed,

and a small book from which to read

small stories;

small hurts to heal,

small disappointments, too,

as real

as ours;

small glories to discover

in bugs,


and flowers.

When the day is through

my mind is small,

my strength is gone;

and as I gather

each dear one

I pray, "Bless each

for Jesus' sake

such angels sleeping, imps awake!"

What wears me out

are little things

angels minus

shining wings

Forgive me Lord

if I have whined

it takes so much to keep them shined;

yet each small rub has its reward,

for they have blessed me.

Thank you, Lord


  1. I read that book a few years ago and enjoyed it very much. This poem is just perfect right now, being surrounded by my small ones - I think I need to repeat "forgive me Lord, if I have whined" a few times!

  2. So sweet and relatable! Ruth Graham Bell was a remarkable woman, often left alone for months at a time, while her husband traveled the world preaching,to care for their five children. I have always admired her. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. This poem is just lovely. A prayer of sorts for mothers everywhere. I must find and read this book, I think. Thank you.

  4. I have come to visit because of Ann. How lovely to find this poem here. I love Ruth Graham's writings - especially her poems. Such wisdom.
    It was nice to visit.
