Monday, December 14, 2009


No matter how hard I try to keep life simple and quiet during this season, life seems to get busier and busier. This past weekend I had great plans for what I wanted to do with my family but God had other plans. I spent my morning prayer time complaining/ whining a bit about it all. I realized again, that all is grace and how important gratitude is. Not just when things go as planned but especially when they do not. I know He holds it all in His hands. Here are the things I am grateful for this week....

71. For days that don't go as planned (my usual response it not always one of gratitude)

72. for morning quiet (Help me Lord to be thankful for the noise that will come when all are awake)

73. for the wonder of children when it snows (help me Lord to see the beauty of wonder and not the mess of snow boots)

74. for early morning and late night talks with my teenagers (help me Lord not to inwardly grumble at the sleep I am missing)

75. for a house full of music (help me Lord to appreciate this for someday all these musicians will grow up and move on)

76. For two children born during this season (thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity to relate more to Mary as I think about the birth of my children this time of year)

77. for the piles of books, papers, laundry for this means there is life in this house (forgive me for all the times I complain about the clutter)

78. for the right encouragement at just the right time (For the Lord's ways are perfect)

79. for the wonder and miracle of the incarnation (forgive me Lord for all the times I think I need to make this season magical when You are the season and every season)

80. for a husband who loves me and makes me laugh every single day....

The picture is of Ella, who turns 4 on January 1. I love this picture because her face is full of wonder...( and I think she is beautiful)


  1. I needed to read this today. Thanks for the reminders! BTW, Ella is a cutie!


  2. Thanks for the visit.
    And these are things I share gratitude for with you.
    Late night teen talks... who knew? Of course we wouldn't trade it.
    Have a blessed week.
