Monday, December 14, 2009

Poetry Wednesday

I had my poem picked out over the weekend, I heard this lovely little poem at a Christmas concert. I had planned to have our family do our annual tradition of cutting down the tree, decorating and eating homemade cinnamon rolls. God had other plans for my weekend and I had to put my plans away and serve and give to someone else. (which I did very begrudgingly at first ) The Lord knows what I need for my salvation. So no picture of our Christmas tree to accompany this post. I love this poem because it shows the wonder of children and Christmas. Enjoy and read other poems here

little tree

by: E. E. Cummings

ITTLE tree
little silent Christmas tree
you are so little
you are more like a flower
who found you in the green forest
and were you very sorry to come away?
see I will comfort you
because you smell so sweetly
I will kiss your cool bark
and hug you safe and tight
just as your mother would,
only don't be afraid
look the spangles
that sleep all the year in a dark box
dreaming of being taken out and allowed to shine,
the balls the chains red and gold the fluffy threads,
put up your little arms
and I'll give them all to you to hold
every finger shall have its ring
and there won't be a single place dark or unhappy
then when you're quite dressed
you'll stand in the window for everyone to see
and how they'll stare!
oh but you'll be very proud
and my little sister and i will take hands
and looking up at our beautiful tree
we'll dance and sing
"Noel Noel"


  1. Love this poem! I had it picked for this week, then lost the photo copy in the black hole of my desk... So glad you posted it.

  2. First of all, I love how you phrased this: having to put your own plans away and give them to another. I can so identify with your grumbling/gratitude (for I, too, usually experience both when my own plans get derailed - first the former, then the latter)! : )

    That poem is so precious. This part is my favorite:

    put up your little arms
    and I'll give them all to you to hold
    every finger shall have its ring

    Thanks so much for sharing!
